
Introduction and Scope

Cuba and the United States have had an intertwining history for over a century. Their relationship tightened after the end of the Spanish American war with the ratification of the Platt Amendment, which allowed the U.S to intervene in Cuba when necessary. The U.S had a heavy influence in Cuba until 1959 when Fidel Castro helped overthrow Fulgencio Batista. After Batista's overthrow the controversy of the revolution increased because Castro eventually moved Cuba toward socialism. Afterward, large groups of Cubans fled to the United State, specifically Florida. Between 1965 and 1973, almost 250,000 people left to the U.S, and following that wave of migration there were 2 more big waves of people who fled to the United States (2000, Buffington).

Cubans developed communities, and became a dominating force in politics, economics, and society. There are strong political groups whom lobby Washington, and a significant amount of businesses in Miami owned by Cubans. For students and researches intersted in Cuba, the Cuban American Community in the U.S is an importatnt study.

The pathfinder covers the subject of Cubans in America since the 1960s. The materials provided by the patherfinder vary from articles, books, reference materials, databases, and internet sources. The materials highlight the Cuban American community in Florida from a political, social, and economic view point.

The pathfinder is meant to be speicifcally used by SJSU students, or researchers with access to the King Library. The focus was to be able to extract as much relevant material from the library without having to rely on services such as Link+-- thus making the pathfinder quick and easy to use.

Some of the materials are only available through the library, so the location and call number have been provided. Here is a map of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library for locating materials.



Buffington, S. (2000). Cuban Americans(Vol. 1, 2nd ed.). Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America (pp. 473-485). Detroit: Gale.

Subject Heading

The King Library is divided into two section. The public library section is organized using the Dewey Decimal System, and the university part of the library is arranged using the Library of Congress system.

Books related to the Cuban American community will be found in the following ranges:

SJPL Dewey Decimal System
-300s and 900s

Specifically for Cubans in America(Link for LOC Classification):
-E 151-904
-F 306-320

Key Terms for books listed in Pathfinder, and more.
Cuban Americans
Cuban Americans -- Ethnic identity.
Cuban Americans -- Florida -- Miami -- Politics and government.
Cuban Americans -- Political activity.
Exiles -- Florida -- Miami -- Political activity.


The articles cited are peer reviewed, and discuss social and political issues within the Cuban American community. The articles are a good supplement to the list of books provided.

Aguirre, B., Sáenz, R., & James, B. (1997, June). Marielitos Ten Years Later: The Scarface Legacy. Social Science Quarterly (University of Texas Press), 78(2), 487-507. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

• This article presents a brief history of the Cuban mass migration in spring 1980. It describes the moral epidemic directed against the Cubans and the specific programs and procedures that facilitated their institutionalization in the United States. Further, identification with the Mariel boat lift has important effects on the other predictors of institutionalization Included in the analysis. The nationwide moral epidemic created important liabilities.

Alberts, H. (2005, April). CHANGES IN ETHNIC SOLIDARITY IN CUBAN MIAMI. Geographical Review, 95(2), 231-248. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

•This study argues that the contradiction can be resolved when ethnic solidarity is seen as encompassing various components and when changes in cohesiveness in response to external and internal influences on the ethnic community are taken into account. These influences include the context of reception in the United States and the relationship between established Cubans and more recent immigrants. We need to refine our understanding of what constitutes ethnic solidarity, how it changes over time, and what role it plays, both within the community in general and within the ethnic-enclave economy in particular.

Croucher, S. (1996, April). The Success of the Cuban Success Story: Ethnicity, Power, and Politics. Identities, 2(4), 351. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

• Examines the convergence of various forces that constructed the public image of Cuban Americans in the U.S. as a politically united, socially homogenous and economically successful ethnic group. Characteristics of claims that comprise the Cuban success story; Processes that determine which images gain prominence in the public mind; Way in which politicians, the media and the civic elite construct images of reality.

Grenier, G. (2006, Winter/Spring2006). The Creation and Maintenance of the Cuban American Exile Ideology: Evidence from the FIU Cuba Poll 2004. Journal of American Ethnic History, 25(2/3), 210-224. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Religion and Philosophy Collection database.

• The article explores the issue of political diversity within the Cuban-American population of Miami-Dade County by analyzing the attitudes of different cohorts of Cuban immigrants on selected policies. The embargo policy maintained by the U.S. government against the Cubans is discussed. It also describes the political circumstances which formed the Cuban-American community.

Haney, P., & Vanderbush, W. (1999, June). The role of ethnic interest groups in U.S. foreign policy: The case of the CubanAmerican...International Studies Quarterly, 43(2), 341. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

• Focuses on the case of the Cuban American National Foundation and the role of the ethnic interest group in influencing the foreign policy or international relations of the United States. Formation of ethnic political interest group; Profiles and background of the CANF; Policy activities and relationships of the CANF.

Rothe, E.M (2008). The New Face of Cubans in the United States: Cultural Process and Generational Change in an Exile Community. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 6(2), 247 -266. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

•This paper reviews the most relevant changes that have occurred during the past four decades in the Cuban community of South Florida, where Cubans formed their "ethnic enclave" in the U.S. Recent studies reveal that Cubans in South Florida are a very heterogeneous group.

Reiff, D. (1995, July). From Exiles to Immigrants. Foreign Affairs, 74(4), 76-89. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

• Focuses on the attitude of the Cuban refugees in south Florida towards the United States government. Arrival of the refugees in Florida in 1959 when General Fidel Castro came into power; Refugees' belief in the US' commitment in overthrowing Castro's regime; Difference in the perceptions of the government and general public regarding the status of the Cubans in Florida; Persistence of Cuban group cohesion.


The databases chosen contain a significant amount of articles on Cuban Americans to begin the research process. In some cases the databases may be enough for the overall research process depending on the depth of the work. Below are key terms for searching the specific topic covered by the pathfinder:

  • Cuban Americans
  • Marielitos
  • Miami
  • Politics and Cuban Americans
  • Cuban and Americans
  • Dade county and Cubans

ESCOhost Academic Premier – Available through SJSU

Link to Academic Premier

Full text for more than 4,650 publications, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 are available for over 100 journals. Designed specifically for academic institutions, it’s the world's largest multi-disciplinary database. The majority of full text titles are available as searchable PDFs, and some are scanned in color. This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.

History Resource center: U.S - Available through SJPL
Link to History Resource

History Resource Center: U.S. provides integrated access to over 4,000 historical (primary) documents, articles from more than 30 reference titles, and over 110 full-text journal covering themes, events, individuals and periods in U.S. history from pre-Colonial times to the present. The material also includes citations from over 180 additional history journals from the Institute for Scientific Information's Arts and Humanities Citation Index, as well as the entire "American Journey Online" series.

JSTOR – Available through SJSU

Electronic archive of older (at least 2-5 years) issues of core scholarly journals; coverage includes the Biological Sciences, Botany, Business, Ecology, General Science, Humanities, Language, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Social Sciences and Statistics.

Project Muse – Available through SJSU

Full-text of journals published by Johns Hopkins Press and other scholarly publishers. Topics include literature and criticism, history, visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, social science, mathematics.

Proquest - Dissertations & Theses – Available through SJSU
Link to Proquest

Primary database for doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Includes references for materials from 1861 to those accepted as recently as last semester. Full text of more than 1.9 million of these titles is available in PDF format. Represents over 1,000 graduate schools and universities in North America and around the world. Dissertations from 1980 & master's theses from 1988 include abstracts written by the author.


The list of books provide detailed information about the political, and social impact the Cuban community has had on the United States, and more specifically Miami.

Bardach, A.L. (2003). Cuba Confidential: Love and Vengeance in Miami and Havana. New York : Vintage Book.

King 6th Floor - Call #: [E183.8.C9 B35 2002]

• The quagmire of the shattered Cuban family is the background for PEN Award-winning journalist Bardach's investigation of the tragic parallel universes in the two Cubas: the largest island in the Caribbean and the diverse, multifaceted exile community in Miami. Since 1959, Cuban families have suffered, driven apart by politics, geography, conflicting convictions, secrets, and the anguish of separation. (Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis, LIS Program, Coll. of Education, Univ. of Denver.)

García, M.C. (1996). Havana USA : Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida, 1959-1994. Berkeley : University of California Press.
King 6th Floor - Call #: [F320.C97 G37 1996]

•Garcia also investigates the conceptual issues of Cuban Assimilation into U.S. society, the nationalism, the “English-only” movement, multiculturalism, and biculturalism. She explores how the émigrés defined and asserted their identity, how they alter the environment of South Florida, and how it altered them. She studies the controversies raised by exile politics and the creative life of the Cuban émigré community. (Hispanic American Historical review. Aug 1997 vol. 77 issue 4, p 548, 3p.)

Grenier, G.J. & Perez, L. (2003). The Legacy of Exile: Cubans in the United States. Boston : Allyn and Bacon.
King Ethnic Studies 5th Floor – Call #: [E184.C97 G74x 2003]

• The Legacy of Exile, the latest entry in the New Immigrants Series, deals with one of the most visible and political of all U.S. immigrant groups-Cubans. This is a group that was welcomed to the United States, that transformed a major U.S. metropolitan area, that exerts a powerful-and controversial-impact on U.S. foreign policy, and that has achieved, in a relatively short time, economic success in this country.

Levine, R. M. & Asis, M. (2000). Cuban Miami. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
King Nonfiction 3rd Floor – Call #: [ 975.9381 Levine]

•The economic influence of Cubans in Florida's largest city is truly a phenomenon. Cubans flocked to the United States in the years after Fidel Castro's revolution, with nearly 300,000 arriving between 1965 and 1973. In 1980, another quarter of a million people fled Cuba, most to south Florida's "exile capital," Miami. Such is the strength of their cultural heritage that most Cubans living in Miami hold tightly to their Cuban identity, even though generations of them have never set foot in Cuba. (Boyd Childress, Auburn Univ. Lib., AL)

Suro, R. (1998). Strangers Among Us: Latino Lives in a Changing America. New York : Alfred A. Knopf.
King 6th Floor - Call #: [E184.S75 S86 1998]

•Suro, a reporter for the Washington Post, gathers person-in-the-street stories of the Cuban experience in Miami; the Guatemalan in Houston; or the Puerto Rican in New York. Suro discusses the impact on Miami by the Cuban community, and how they view thier role within the United States.

Encyclopedia, Almanacs, and other References

All the of the materials listed below are a good place to start researching Cuban Americans. The reference sources list specific articles on Cuban Americans that covers the pre-Cuban Revolution period through the present. They cover political, social, and economic aspects of the Cuban Community. When seeking through the references, search "Cuban Americans".

Auerbach, S (Eds.).(1994). Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. New York : Marshall Cavendish.

King Reference 2nd Floor – Call #: [E184.A1 E58 1994]

• The encyclopedia focuses on diverse aspects of the many cultures contributing to North American life, including people, places, events, organizations, political and cultural movements, religions, foods, and much more. It is hard to image a topic more relevant to the changing face of North America in the twenty-first century.

Benson, S. (2004). U.S Immigration and Migration Alamanac (S. Hermsen, Ed.). Detroit: UXL.
King Reference 2nd Floor - Call #: [JV6450 .B46 2004]

• The Almanac volumes give a comprehensive overview of the groups of people who have immigrated to the United States from various nations, as well as the people who migrated within the United States to unexplored areas or to newly industrialized cities. The Almanac includes a very good glossary as well as an area with research and activity ideas that would be useful to teachers to incorporate into their classes.

Encyclopedia Britannica Online: Academic Edition. (2009). – Available through SJSU
• 32-volume Encyclopedia with articles and images not available in the print set); Webster's Third New International Dictionary Unabridged; over 130,000 links to web sites selected, rated, and reviewed by Britannica editors

Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America.(2000). (2nd ed). Detroit.
King folio 8th Floor – Call #: [E184.A1 G14 2000]
King Reference 2nd Floor – Call #: [E184.A1 G14 2000]

• Contains 152 original essays (about 8,000-12,000 words each) on specific minority and ethnic groups in the U.S., with an emphasis on culture (religions, holidays, customs, language) in addition to information on historical background and settlement patterns. Covers ethno-religious groups such as Jews, Chaldeans and Amish. Includes more than 250 photographs and illustrations.

Microsoft. (2009). Encarta. – Available to public

• Encarta is a free online encyclopedia available online with thousands of articles covering a variety of subjects.

Oxford University Press. (2009). Oxford Reference Online. – Available through SJSU

• The Oxford Reference Online Premium contains about 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University press. It also contains a range of key titles from the acclaimed oxford Companion Series, plus the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

World Book, Inc.(2009). World Book Online Reference Center. Chicago. – Available through SJSU and SJPL online and print. King Curriculum 4th Floor - Call #: [031 W92721w]

• All articles from the 22-volume print set plus 3,700 more; 15,000 Web links; links to over 30,000 articles in 107 periodicals; over 9,000 pictures and maps; more than 800 videos, animations, and sounds; 129 3-D bubble views; and much more.

Pérez, L.A. Jr. (1991). Title A guide to Cuban collections in the United States. New York : Greenwood Press.
King 6th Floor - Call #: [F1776 .P464x 1991]

• Within this volume Perez gives a general description of those Special Collections in the U.S. that mention Cuba in their holdings. The guide is a tool for the historical researcher in locating and identifying Cuban archive and manuscript materials in the US, is yet another excellent contribution. All time periods are covered. The 520 entries are indexed by collection and by subject.

Internet Sources

The internet sources provide are from organizations invested in the community. The Cuban American National Foundation are largely anti-Castro, so they hold a unique perspective on the Cuban Community in Florida. Further, the Miami herald is not a scholarly source, but can be useful in gaining a deeper understanding of the Cuban American Community in the Miami. The additional pages are related to interests groups in the U.S.

Cuban American National Foundation

• Cuban Americans whom serve as lobbyist in Washington to promote ant-Castro legislation.

Cuban American National Council

• Promotes socioeconomic services for the Cuban community in the United States.

Cuban Research Institute

• The Cuban Research Institute (CRI) is the nation’s leading institute for research and academic programs on Cuban and Cuban-American issues.

Cuba update

• Web site provides updates on Cuban research, events, news, and other activities involving the Cuban community.

Miami herald: The Cuba Puzzle

• Special section of the Miami Herald that discusses Cuban news, and the sentiments of the community.

Journals and Periodical

The titles selected contain a variety of articles on Cuban Americans, and U.S relations with Cuba. They were selected because of the results produced when searching keywords such as, "Cuban Americans," and "Miami and Cubans." The journals cover the political and economic aspects of the issues surrounding the Cuban community in the United States.

Cuban Studies. Balitmore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Available from 2003-Present through Project Muse

• For over three decades, Cuban Studies has been the preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba. Published each winter, the volume features interdisciplinary articles on Cuba in both English and Spanish, a large book review section, and an exhaustive compilation of recent works in the field.

The Economist. London: Economist Newspaper LTD.
King Periodicals Browsing Lower Level - Call #: [ HG11 .E2]
Available from 1975-present through LexisNexis.

• Offers reporting, commentary, and analysis on world politics, finance, and business trends. Also covers science and technology, literature and the arts. Though this title is not considered a scholarly resource, it is well know for publishing quality news and opinions.

American politics research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications
King Periodicals Lower Level - Cal l#: [JK1 .A48]
Available from 1999-Present through Sage

• Promotes basic research in all areas of American political behavior, including urban, state, and national policies, as well as pressing social problems requiring political solutions.

Foreign Affairs. New York: Council on Foreign Relations.
King Periodicals Browsing Lower Level - Call #: [D410 .F6]
King Periodicals Lower Level - Call #: D410 .F6
Available through Academic Premier from 1922-Present.

• The Council on Foreign Relations is a non-profit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas.

Perspectives on politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.

King Periodicals Lower Level – Call #: [JA1 .P485]
Available through Jstor from 2003-Present.

• Perspectives on Politics provides political insight on important problems through rigorous, broad-based research and integrative thought. The journal enables members of different subfields to speak with one another--and with knowledgeable people outside the discipline--about issues of common interest while maintaining the highest academic standards.